Sunday, 25 April 2010

Set up

The Quarryhouse Project came about when we discovered the derelict garage building at the top of the woods. I had decided it would be the perfect place for an exhibition and Johnsey had fallen in love with the building and decided to paint it life size for his end of year show. During the year we started look into the history of the building and as we began clearing it out found bit and bobs which hinted to the past life of the Quarryhouse.
It seemed to be a garage used for the quarry above it. We found an old tyre pressure chart, old bits of tyre, cans and mugs. Gradually we began piecing together the story of the building from years of quarry use to its abandoned years where it became coated in grafitti.
In the opening we aimed to encourage people to reacess the forgotten space and admire its rickety journey.

Quarryhouse Press Release

The top of an almost finished Zirco. Looking very tall and forboding!

My order of 20kg of mussel shells.
Drinking tea by Johnseys painting in the studio

My Valentine Wellies

Here are my shiny red valentine wellies, a present from Johnsey. I have to careful when to wear them because they are very precious and when Johnsey gave them to me he sternly told me I had to look after these ones!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

shells on my boat. I like how encrusted it looks.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Boat near Maldon

Clare's Shipwreck -Wales

This is a shipwreck found for me by Clare whilst on holiday in Wales. It apparently used to be a nightclub after its life as a ship had finished and once that was closed down was left to decay. It must be so impressive towering on the horizon. Fingers crossed I will get to see it soon.